NOTD: Rescue Beauty Lounge Anne
Let's just put this out there now. I love green. Now don't get me wrong, as a whole I am a lover of all things color, especially when it comes to nail polish. Green though, green has a special place in my heart and I am pretty much sold when it comes to any shade of green. And I mean any shade.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's move on to the nail of the day, which just so happens to be green. Not so shockingly. Today is a lovely, vampy dark green from Rescue Beauty Lounge. I very much adore polishes from RBL as they tend to be unique and really richly colored. They are a bit on the pricier side, but for me it's worth it whenever I see the beauties she puts out. This color is called Anne and is from her 2010 fall collection Real Housewives of the Tudor Dynasty. I was lucky enough to be gifted this from a friend this past Christmas. What I really love about this polish, besides the color, is the gold shimmer plus this stunning purple flash of sparkle. Just so much love. It's one of those polishes that photos do no justice for.
{Outdoors: full sun}
{Outdoors: shade}
Brand: Rescue Beauty Lounge
Availability: Discontinued; possible to find on blog sales
Availability: Discontinued; possible to find on blog sales
Coats: 2 coats