NOTD: Liquid Lacquer OK Coral

Welcome to the first polish post for the relaunch of the blog!

Kicking off the blog with a polish that was sent to me by a friend after she endured a shipping snafu and ended up with two of the same polish. That polish being OK Coral from Liquid Lacquer. This is a brand that is no longer in business after disappearing almost a year ago. That being said, the polish is nice, abet being a little outside of my color comfort zone. OK Coral is a peach to pink shifting duochrome with a scattered holo. It's soft and dainty while still being a touch unique due to the color shift. Out in the sun the pink becomes very prominent, but still allows the peach to show through. Funny enough it also matches closely to my skin tone, just slightly darker. 

 {Outdoors: full sun}

Brand: Liquid Lacquer
Availability: Brand is no longer around; might be found on blog sales
Coats: 3 coats


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