NOTD: butter LONDON and Emerald & Ash

Today is a twofer with a polish from butter LONDON and a polish from my very own line, Emerald &Ash. I have to say that I am a big fan of subtle accent colors. I like that you may not notice them at first, but when the light hits it just right there's a sudden flash of extra color. That is very much the case with this manicure. 

First I started out with the butter LONDON color Giddy Kipper, which was gifted to me by a very kind polish lover. I had always enjoyed the color when I saw it, but it fell into the often forgotten category when I was searching for a new polish to buy. Now that I have it, I can say that I really am happy to have it in my collection. It's a lovely purple that falls on the lighter side. It's like it wants to be a darker periwinkle. There is also a beautiful white shimmer that gives the polish extra depth. Over the top, on the middle fingers, I used a coat of a polish I made for Emerald & Ash called Moonlit Snow. This topcoat is full of white, silver and blue glass flecks and flakies. It twinkles just like freshly fallen moonlit snow. I love how it adds an extra pop of shimmer to the nails, without being overwhelming or in your face. Very subtle, just the way I like it. 

{Outside: full sun}

Brand: butter LONDON and Emerald & Ash
Availability: Giddy Kipper is available through butter LONDON's website; Moonlit Snow is available through Emerald & Ash's online store
Coats: 2 coats Giddy Kipper and 1 coat Moonlit Snow


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